
Blogging "your window to the world"

Thursday 8 August 2019


This morning I am ever mindful that we should protect our hearts as this is Gods Spirit place of Abode. If our heart is not at peace then we do not experience Gods presence, this does not mean He is not there. 

He made provision as Prayer is not trying to twist Gods arm to hear us, it is simply whispering “Father”!

A little baby or a child cannot utter a sigh without the mother’s attention. Today I have adult children and they need only to utter the word “hello” or “mother” and I know – It is a crisis, they are sad, there is a need, they have good news. I do not ask can I help; at that moment I will move heaven and earth to be the solution and woe to the enemy as I have a mother’s fury. 

How much more, how much more, how much more is the Fathers heart not mindful of our slightest sigh!

There is a “River” that makes glad the city of God – Perennially from the lips of our Saviour pours out a Stream by the precious Holy Spirit of tender love and supplication. He pleads on the darkest mountain while we are asleep. How much I need to learn not to be mindful of many things such as Martha but to patiently sit at my Masters feet like Mary learning of Him, so that I too may be an epistle read by men of His great faithfulness and love.

He wakens me morning by morning calling “come away with Me and your heart will be at rest” – most of the time I heed the call as I am addicted to this Great God of Love. Help me Lord to Hear Your faintest whisper as You hear mine!

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