
Blogging "your window to the world"

Monday 29 July 2019

Journey Into God

An introduction to my Blog:
To surrender to God is not a quick fix.
It’s a process as our Spirit life gains ascendency over the natural man. Its simple, there is nothing we can do but know Him, spend time with Him and submit to Him

I spent five years in the UK from 2006 – 2011. My family were all in South Africa. Most of the time, save for a few precious friends I was alone. The last three years I could not come home at all and consisted of long stretches of solitude. It was inevitable that those times became “Spiritual Learning Curves”. 

When we love God it is often in times of Separation and Solitude that the Lord deals with us in such a way that we can never be the same again. In fact, I am of the opinion that when we have a hunger for God, He sees our hearts and often orchestrates these times of separation.

In my quest to find answers and solutions to accomplish a specific goal I came across the works of Mr Metcalf. He has a profound understanding of the sole purpose for the Journey of Christ to this world, the necessity of the Cross and what was accomplished through the shed Blood of our Lord.
It transformed my walk with God and I will forever be grateful to Mr Metcalf.

The Word of God tells us that "nothing is new under the sun" and so my "writings" are not uniuqe but they were shaped by those who wrote on my soul, through words, actions books and encounters. 

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