
Blogging "your window to the world"

Thursday, 19 September 2019

When God Positions You

When God POSITIONS you, He has a way of putting you in a place where you have no choice but to move from the safe center to the uncertain edge of a new experience!

It’s here that you learn the value of faith and fuel of prayer.

Once you have taken that leap of faith you can say Job42:5 “I had heard of You only by the hearing of the ear, but now my spiritual eye sees You.

Nothing can rob you of this revelation

Oh yes sometimes the road ahead is unchartered, sometimes obscured, sometimes seems inaccessible but if He takes us to it, He will take us through it. I don’t always get it right because I am human and sometimes frail compared to the obstacles but I have learnt to embrace my life as it is without regrets, or post-mortems about the past, without offence in the present and unfailing faith in a future where God is already.

Thursday, 5 September 2019


The Word of God says we are “In Christ”– present tense.

Death could not seize on Paul whenever it wanted to although there were many opportunities.

It was after he had proclaimed – “I have run the race; I have kept the course NOW there is laid up for me a crown” then he was martyred!

We are not heirs apparent e.g. Prince Charles is waiting to ascend – we a joint heir “In Christ”

 Therefore, reign in your life

Joseph Prince

Monday, 2 September 2019


Eternity is not a variable it is an absolute and in comparison, this “life” on earth is but a moment in time.

We do not take money or possessions with us into this unknown eternal life but only that which we carry in our hearts.

The big question then; what do you fill your heart with because it will manifest in your life. The door to the other side can open suddenly – no time for regrets, no time to forgive, no time to say if only, no time to make right and more importantly no time to tell people you love them.

Listen to the voice of your heart and live life gently esteeming others as equal before God

WE ALL HAVE A MAP IN OUR SOUL Life is a GIFT We are called to live in the now but some tend to live in the past, some tend to live ...